About Arundel Aikikai
Hello there! I am thrilled you are interested in aikido, movement martial arts, and/or our martial arts movement. This section of our website will get you answers to most of your questions. If not, fill out a contact form below and we will be happy to connect you to answers!
Onegaishimasu, I hope we will be able to train with you soon!
About Arundel Aikikai

Arundel Aikikai
Connecting you to Aikikai Aikido in Anne Arundel County, MD
Movement Martial Arts
At Arundel Aikikai we focus on movement martial arts. We train students to understand and utilize the movement mechanics and basic concepts at the center of all effective martial arts. In our regular dojo aikido classes, private lessons, and group seminars, students discover their power and potential.
Our goal is to connect students to their potential in Aikido. By teaching through a movement martial art lens students can best discover their unique abilities in aikido: the calmness found in their center; the stability created by moving from their center with structure and shape; and — ultimately — the power of martial arts techniques applied from this center as they move.
Martial Arts Movement
Beyond our focus on movement martial arts, we also strive to be a martial arts movement at Arundel Aikikai. The goal of this movement is connection; staying authentically connected to what we love and enjoy about aikido while working to connect others to this experience by reducing or removing barriers to training. If you are interested in martial arts without meanness, you are interested in our martial arts movement!
Through our love of martial arts — and aikido — we create an authentically engaging, enthusiastic, and enjoyable training environment. Through our focus on authenticity we believe martial arts dojo should be safe places within which to practice in joy and train with humility. Providing safe training spaces filled with authentic joy and honest humility increases the training environment’s accessibility. Flexibility in students’ financial commitments helps bring down further barriers. Life happens to us all, kindness and flexibility goes a long way to connecting students to consistent training.

Capital Aikikai
Connecting you to Aikikai Aikido across the United States, based in Silver Spring, MD
Our dojo is a member of the Capital Aikikai. headquartered at 923 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring MD. To say I have enjoyed training and learning with them would be a drastic understatement. Use these posts to learn about who they are and where they are located. If you join our dojo or another one in the area, I certainly hope to have the chance to work out with you on their wide and welcoming mats!
Clyde Takeguchi Shihan is the founder and director of Capital Aikikai. Takeguchi Sensei is a shichidan — a seventh degree black belt — and a Hombu-certified shihan instructor. He began his study of aikido in 1958 in his native Hawaii. In addition to founding Capital Aikikai in 1973, Takeguchi sensei founded the aikido clubs in Madison, WI, and Charleston, SC. He has taught aikido at the police departments in Honolulu and Madison, as well as at the US Customs Academy in Washington, DC.
There are many additional skilled martial artists and martial arts instructors associated with Capital Aikikai. We do our best to have guest instructors as often as time and students allow.

The Aikikai
Connecting you to the source of Aikikai Aikido, located in Tokyo, Japan
For folks new to Aikido, the Aikikai is the original Aikido association. The Aikikai is headquartered (Hombu) in Japan. On the Aikikai website, it notes:
“Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba, an expert who reached the highest level of mastery in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. Officially recognized by the Japanese government in 1940, the Aikikai Foundation is the parent organization for the development and popularization of Aikido throughout the world.”
The Aikikai is led by the doshu, the living relative of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido. Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu, who is the Doshu writes:
“The Founder said it was more important to harmonize with people than to win by depending on power. Switching from ‘skills of fighting’ to ‘harmony’ is the purpose of training. Love is all “Ki (life energy)” based on “En No Ugoki (circle movement)”, “Irimi (entering)”, “DoChuSei (quietness in turmoil)” and “Chushin (immovable center)” to train our skills with each other. There is no conflict in this training. Aikido is “a way to absolute self-accomplishment.” … I will continue to strive and to cherish the spirit of harmony, eliminating the walls of country, race and religion, to make an effort to have this great Aikido appreciated by a great number of people. Also, I hope I will contribute to the society as much as possible through Aikido.”
Contact Us
As always, if you have any questions or concerns you are encouraged to contact us. We will be happy to connect you to answers!
You can find contact resources on our contact page by clicking the “Contact” button below.
You can also contact us directly from this page by submitting the Quick Contact form below.
We look forward to connecting you to answers, and hope we are able to join you on your martial arts journey!
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